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- By Harvey Mackay
- A reader sent me an Albany (NY)
- Times Union article about Cablevision
- Systems Corp. CEO Jim Dolan. The
- article is not about Jim DolanRs day
- job. He heads up the communications
- conglomerate that owns Madison Square
- Garden, the New York Knicks, Rangers
- and Radio City Music Hall. Last year,
- according to the company's annual
- report, he earned $6.4 million in
- salary and stock. He has all the usual
- perks: limos, helicopter, jet, lavish
- expense account, "the works."
- The article was about Jim and his
- blues band, JD & The Straight Shot.
- They were appearing at an Albany club.
- The writer of the article asked Jim
- why he was doing this. "You know
- what's great and what I really love?
- I'm 50 years old and I can do this.
- It's just me singing. If there are
- only 10 people out there, I'm still
- going to be singing, still be having a
- good time. I'm doing it because it's
- part of me. I've been playing guitar
- and singing since I was 17. In my
- life, I need more than just my job and
- my family. I need to be able to
- reflect another side of myself.
- There's an artistic side that I don't
- get to use much."
- Asked if he's really the same guy
- when performing on stage, CEO Dolan
- said, "I'm happy. I leave everything
- else behind. I'm wrestling for balance
- in my life. What it really is is that
- I'm letting people in, and I'm letting
- myself out."
- Jim exemplifies an important
- lesson for all of us. In the wired
- world we now live in, with about 30
- GPS satellites whirling overhead, with
- the Internet humming 24/7, with cell
- phones, BlackBerrys, personal digital
- assistants, laptops, and
- videoconferencing, we need white
- space. That's the term the wired
- generation uses for time spent
- unwired. We need to spend time
- disconnected, devoted to our dreams,
- hobbies, fantasies, meditations --
- personal time, down time, quiet time
- -- whatever you want to call it.
- Think of U.S. Presidents. Bush is
- into exercise; Clinton has his sax.
- Eisenhower needed to get out on the
- links and Kennedy to go sailing. Woody
- Allen has his clarinet. Bill Gates and
- Warren Buffett have contract bridge.
- Ted Williams and Ernest Hemingway
- loved to fish and hunt.
- In fact, from the days of sailing
- ships, to ensure their safety, sailors
- had an expression: one hand for the
- ship, one hand for me. That way they
- wouldn't fall out of the rigging and
- drown.
- The point is, you have to set
- aside time for yourself. I know a
- writer who holds his Monday five
- o'clock racquetball appointment
- sacrosanct. He builds his whole week
- around these two hours. In the same
- way he reserves all the time his two
- daughters spend in school activities.
- He attends all their soccer,
- basketball and softball games. I
- admire that. It's heartbreaking to
- hear executives and professionals say
- they missed seeing their kids grow up.
- They always tell you if they had it to
- do over again they would spend more
- time supporting their kids and their
- activities.
- Last year I wrote a column called
- "Make a living; make a life, too,"
- based on words of wisdom from a
- University of Tokyo student. The idea
- was that modern life spun so fast, had
- so many conveniences, and took so much
- for granted that the essence of life
- was missed. Its pleasures are
- forfeited, its meaning destroyed.
- Reader response to that column was
- overwhelming.
- Even the world's largest bank has
- this theme of life lost in the shuffle
- on its mind. Citibank has an ad out
- that says, "There's more to life than
- money. Live richly."
- Which brings to mind this snippet
- published in the New Yorker magazine
- last May:
- Joseph Heller -- an important and
- funny writer now dead -- and I were at
- a party given by a billionaire on
- Shelter Island.
- I said, "Joe, how does it make you
- feel to know that our host only
- yesterday may have made more money
- than your novel 'Catch-22' has earned
- in its entire history?"
- And Joe said, "I've got something
- he can never have."
- And I said, "What on earth could
- that be, Joe?"
- And Joe said, "The knowledge that
- I've got enough."
- Not bad! Rest in peace!
- - Kurt Vonnegut
- HM